JQ’s BFit2 Nutrition Consultation and Profiling
JQ and the Team are able to offer you a comprehensive review of your dietary nutrition requirements and exercise needs in order for you to reach your desired body weight and fitness goals.
- Are you stuck at a plateau?
- Can’t drop those last few pounds?
- Having trouble building muscle?
- Can’t seem to get any stronger?
- Do you want to clean up your food intake?
Take advantage of JQ’s in-depth nutritional assessments. An advanced thorough review of your nutritional requirements, fitness and lifestyle and social circumstances.
Your Nutrition assessment can work in cooperation with your MD, physiotherapist, kinesiologist, psychologist, coach, conditioning coach or personal trainer to build an effective program for you.
- food intake analysis
- body composition assessment
- lifestyle and fitness indicators.
Whether your goal is to improve your athletic performance, or you want to make a nutrition lifestyle choice or you want to better manage your medical condition, nutrition assessments can help you succeed.
We all know that optimal health is dependent upon how well we eat and how healthy we can keep our bodies. When it comes to getting the energy, nutrients and fuel that we need for the day, there are certain power foods that can make sure we get there!
When it comes to weight loss, we need to consider more than just the numbers on the scale, especially if those numbers are refusing to budge. There can be a lot more going on that needs to be addressed that will help us reach that goal more quickly.
Nutritional Wellness Consultation
75 min $99 (free with purchase of a nutritional package)
*Menu plans can be purchased separately for an additional cost.
Nutritional Package - Package 4: $320
3-Month Body Transformation - PIF: $1,200 / Monthly: $500
*Additional hourly sessions can be purchased for $55